Marketplace Awakening

Impacting the marketplace through prayer and evangelism


Serving in the marketplace can be as simple as offering to pray for a colleague. Read some of the #MarketplaceMoments we’ve compiled and be inspired!

  • [21 July 2016, Uber ride home] I had to rush home and decided to get on a Uber. The driver asked why I happened to be heading home in the afternoon. I explained that my wife wasn’t well so I had to get home. She mentioned that she wasn’t well too and was having a prolonged cough and cold. I made some small talk during the ride but was wondering if I should pluck up the courage to offer to pray for her. When I reached my destination, I just decided to offer. I asked her if she was a Christian and if she would mind me praying for her. She wasn’t a believer but allowed me to pray for her! I thank God for simple opportunities like that and I pray that God will bring others into her life and lead her and her family to Christ!
  • [15 July 2016, Awkward office event] I was at an event was forced to sit with a stranger by a colleague. I was pissed. Why? I was initially placed at a seat where I could mingle with people useful for my profession.When the event started, I exchanged name cards with the man (stranger) and I realised I was sitting beside the big shot of the company. Read more here… 
  • [30 June 2017, Praying in the office] Testimony! Happen to be alone in the office with one of my closer colleagues and we ended up praying for our boss and also everyone in the company. Really believe this is a start – whenever we surrender and stop striving. To recognize He has placed authorities over us for a reason. Felt my heart lighter and I no longer feel irritated with my boss. And the power when two or more coming tgt to pray, and a breakthrough because my colleague prayed as well!